
What Is Organic Terpene & How To Use Them?


Apart from the commonly used terms that are used to refer to cannabis, such as indica, cannabinoid, or Sativa, we might have heard of terpenes in recent times. But what are organic terpenes? 

The short answer to this question would be that terpenes are nothing more than another compound such as THC or CBD that can be commonly found in cannabis. However, the latter is a little more detailed. So continue reading as we learn more about organic terpenes and ways to use them.

What Is Organic Terpene?

Terpene is a naturally occurring chemical or compound that can be found not just in weeds but also in other species of plants and animals. These terpenes are the reason why certain plants and other vegetation look or smell the way they do. 

However, when it comes to cannabis, terpenes distinguish certain weed strains from others with a distinct taste or smell. There are various places where you can get terpenes weed for sale.

How Do People Use Terpene?

Terpenes are available in many different varieties, and the scent and aroma of these variants are also distinct. For instance, different variants such as pine, berry, or mint all have their own different smell. 

While these aromas can be overwhelming for some, in general, most marijuana lovers find them very calming and enjoyable. People use terpenes as an additive to enhance the quality of any particular weed strain with a pleasing smell.

How Is Tarpene Different From Cannabis?

As mentioned earlier, cannabinoids are chemical compounds commonly found in cannabis, where cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinoids (CBD) have gained a lot of popularity for their medicinal property.  

However, terpenes are mainly responsible for the smell and appearance of many different plants and animals. But it is worth mentioning that some terpenes can react to the endocannabinoid system in our bodies that are very similar to cannabinoids. But the difference is that our bodies absorb and utilize these compounds in different ways.    

In a conventional world, cannabinoids have two different roles in our bodies. Thanks to the advancement in technology, we could not understand cannabinoids are similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that are responsible for giving us the “high” vibe. 

Different Types Of Terpenes 

There are many different types of terpenes available in the natural world, but our scientists have not been able to identify them all. Some of the well-known examples of terpenes include:

  • Pinene: Pinene is one of the naturally abundant terpenes that are available in two different forms, namely: a-penine and b-pinene. Pinene is responsible for the bright and fresh scent derived from many plants such as rosemary, pine needle, and even basil. It also has its own therapeutic benefits.
  • Limonene: Known for being one of the most commonly found terpenes, limonene terpenes are mainly known for their scent that exerts a scent resembling oranges and lemons. This is also known for having antioxidants, anticancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties.

Final Thoughts

This is more or less all that we need to know about cannabinoids and organic terpenes as a whole. Therefore, make sure to keep this information in mind before going out to purchase terpenes in the near future.  

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